Widowmaker is one of the most formidable Heroes in Overwatch 2. Thanks to her exceptional sniping abilities, grappling hook, and ultimate ability, she can easily take out targets from a distance and reposition herself quickly, making her a challenging opponent. However, you can effectively counter her and help your team secure victory with the right Hero picks and strategies.
There are plenty of great options that are all great choices for taking down Widowmaker, and each offers unique abilities and playstyles that can give you an advantage. This article will discuss the five best Overwatch 2 Heroes to counter Widowmaker and some strategies to remember.
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinions.
D. Va and 4 other best Overwatch 2 Heroes to counter Widowmaker
Here are the top five Heroes to choose from when facing off against Widowmaker in Overwatch 2.
1) Winston
Winston is a great pick to counter Widowmaker for several reasons. His Barrier Projector can block Widowmaker's shots, preventing her from picking off your teammates. Additionally, his Jump Pack allows him to close the distance between himself and Widowmaker, making it difficult for her to land shots. His Tesla Cannon can damage multiple enemies, making it harder for Widowmaker to focus solely on him.
2) Genji
Genji is another Hero that is great for countering Widowmaker. With his mobility, he can easily flank Widowmaker and take her out, especially if she's set up in a high perch. His Shuriken throw can deal significant damage from a distance, and his deflect ability can reflect Widowmaker's shots at her. Furthermore, his Dragonblade ultimate can eliminate her quickly.
3) Sombra
Sombra is a unique Hero that can be very effective against Widowmaker. Her Hacking ability can disable Widowmaker's grappling hook, making it hard for her to escape danger.
Additionally, her Stealth ability allows her to get behind Widowmaker and take her out before she knows what's happening. Her EMP ultimate can also shut down Widowmaker's abilities, making her an easy target for your team.
4) Pharah
Pharah is an excellent counter to Widowmaker for a few reasons. With her Jump Jet, she can quickly get too high places where Widowmaker may be perched. Her Rocket Launcher can deal a lot of damage from a distance, and her Concussive Blast ability can knock Widowmaker off her perch. Finally, her Barrage ultimate can quickly remove Widowmaker and anyone else in the area.
5) D.Va
D.Va is a versatile Hero that can be effective against Widowmaker in several ways. Her Defense Matrix ability can absorb Widowmaker's shots, preventing her from dealing damage to your team.
Additionally, her boosters allow her to quickly close the distance between herself and Widowmaker, making it difficult for her to hit her shots. Finally, her Self-Destruct ultimate can force Widowmaker to move out of position, allowing your team to take her out.
It's important to note that while these Heroes are effective against Widowmaker, they are not foolproof solutions. A skilled Widowmaker player can still pose a threat, and it's essential to keep an eye out for her at all times. Additionally, using a combination of Heroes can be even more effective, so don't be afraid to switch things up if your initial strategy isn't working.
In addition to choosing the right Heroes in Overwatch 2 to counter Widowmaker, it's also essential to have a solid strategy in place. Communication with your team is vital, and working together to take her down is necessary.
One effective strategy in Overwatch 2 is to have a tank Hero like Winston or D.Va lead the charge and draw Widowmaker's attention while your DPS Heroes like Genji, Sombra, or Pharah flank her and take her out from different angles. It's also important to be aware of Widowmaker's ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, which allows her to see all enemy positions through walls for a brief period.
Finally, it's essential to be mindful of your positioning when facing off against Widowmaker. Avoid standing in open areas where she can easily pick you off, and use cover to stay hidden. Additionally, anticipate where she might be positioned and take her by surprise. With practice and coordination, you and your team can become Widowmaker's worst nightmare in Overwatch 2.
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