Holy Week Traditions | Celebrating Holidays

Enjoy our top picks for best of the web in Holy Week ideas and traditions. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter) and ends the day before Easter.Image Credit: Some of the images in the collage came from the website Our Family for His Glory and were used with permission. Unfortunately, it

Holy Week Traditions

Enjoy our top picks for “best of the web” in Holy Week ideas and traditions. Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter) and ends the day before Easter.
Holy Week Ideas and Traditions
Image Credit: Some of the images in the collage came from the website “Our Family for His Glory” and were used with permission. Unfortunately, it looks like the site is no longer live, so I tried to incorporate some of their ideas (as best I can remember them) for helping kids to experience Easter with all of their senses.

I decided to organize ideas for Holy Week day-by-day to try to make it a bit easier to find relevant resources. Note that the video clips are drawn from the Jesus Film Project. If you are looking for any additional clips, you can find a whole set for both The Jesus Film (JF) and the newer Gospel of John (GJ). For kids, my favorite animated series is from Nest Entertainment, but unfortunately, they are not available to stream. However, you can purchase the Passion Trilogy set for $12 and follow the events through Holy Week. Also, I have included readings from all 4 gospels so that you can choose which you want to read this year. There is a great harmony of the four gospels listed side-by-side in chronological order at Life of Christ to use s a guide.

Palm Sunday: Jesus rides a donkey into Jerusalem. The people shout Hosanna meaning “please save” while waving palm branches at him. You can find a great article by John Piper on the meaning of Hosanna at Desiring God.

Read: Matthew 21:1-11, Mark 11:11-14, Luke 19:28-44, or John 12:12-19
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Jesus Film: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry (JF, 1 min), Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem (JF, 1 min) or Gospel of John: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry (GJ, 2 mins)
Hymn: All Glory Laud and Honor. Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary “hosanna” songs for Palm Sunday.
Color: Palm Sunday Color Page
Craft: Palm Sunday Handprint Picture or Handprint Craft or 3D Jesus on a Donkey
Food: Palm Sunday Sundaes
More: Reenact Palm Sunday in costume and/or have a”hosanna dance party” to Hosanna Rock (wave your handprint palms if you made them).

Holy Monday: Jesus goes to the temple. He overturns the tables of those who were selling in the temple courts because they were overcharging people who needed to buy things for their temple worship. This is called the “cleansing of the temple.”

Read: Matthew 21:12-17, Mark 11:15-19, or Luke 19:45-46
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Cleansing of the Temple (JF, 2 min)
Hymn: And Can It Be? Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary songs for Lent.
Color: Cleansing The Temple Color Page
Craft: Build a Temple with Blocks or Legos. You can use this diagram or 3D image to help.
Food: Lenten Pretzels (represents prayer) or Dove Rolls (one of the animals purchased for sacrifice at the temple)
More: Reenact the cleansing of the temple in costume.

Holy Tuesday: Jesus returns to the temple and teaches the people. Note that the reading for today is lengthy because much of Jesus’ teaching was recorded. You can choose to read just the parables that line up with the videos if you like.

Read: Matthew 21:18-26:2, Mark 11:20-13:37, Luke 20:1-21:38, or John 12:20-50
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Widow’s Mite (JF, 1 min), Vineyard Parable (JF, 2 min), Render to Caesar (JF, 1 min)
Hymn: Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary songs for Lent.
Color: Widow’s Mite Color Page and Render to Caesar Color Page
Craft: Widow’s Mite and Caesar Coin Tic-tac-toe or Grapes Craft
Food: Mini “Coin” Pancakes and Grape Juice
More: Reenact one of the parables in costume.

Holy Wednesday. Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver from the chief priests. The anointing of Jesus by Mary is placed chronologically before Holy Week (John 12:1-10). Scholars disagree as to whether the other gospels are parenthetically referring back to Mary anointing Jesus or are referring to a different anointing by another woman (there may have been as many as three separate anointings as discussed in this article). Either way, I include it here to correspond to the gospel readings for today.

Read: Matthew 26:3-16, Mark 14:1-11, or Luke 22:1-6
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Jesus Anointed By Mary (GJ, 2 min) and Judas Betrays Jesus (Life 180 Church, the only video I could find was this animated one, but it is good)
Hymn: Lead Me to Calvary Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary songs for Lent.
Color: Woman Anointing Jesus and Judas Betraying Jesus
Craft: Make Perfume or Judas’ Money Pouch
Food: Nutter Butter Feet (to represent Jesus’ feet that were anointed) or  Silver Coin Cookies
More: Reenact the anointing or betrayal. You can also mix a favorite scent with oil and dab a bit on the foot of each family member as you speak a word of encouragement over them.

Maundy Thursday: Jesus eats the Last Supper with the disciples. He also washes their feet. The word maundy is derived from the Latin word for “command” which refers to Jesus’ commandment to his disciples: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:34-35).

Read: Matthew 26:17-46, Mark 14:12-42, Luke 22:7-46, and John 13:1-17:26
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Jesus Film: Last Supper (JF, 5 min), Foretelling Betrayal (JF, 5 min), and Promise of the Holy Spirit (JF, 3 min) or Gospel of John: Last Supper (GJ, 11 min) and Last Words to Disciples (GJ, 17 min)
Watch (for Kids): The Last Supper (Super Book, Season 1)
Hymn: Nothing But the Blood of Jesus Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary songs for Lent.
Color: Last Supper Color Page
Craft: Chalice Craft or Last Supper Craft ($1)
Food: Make Unleavened Bread or a Lamb Cake (Death passes over us because Jesus is our lamb!) 
More: Celebrate a Christian Passover Meal as Jews for Jesus reveals how each step points to Christ.

Good Friday: Jesus is betrayed, arrested and crucified. He dies on the cross. All of the “stations of the cross” events happen on this day.

Read: Matthew 26:47-27:61, Mark 14:43-15:47, Luke 22:47-23:56, or John 18:1-19:42
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Jesus Film: Jesus Betrayed and Arrested (JF, 4 min), Peter Disowns Jesus (JF, 2 min), Jesus Mocked and Questioned (JF, 2 min), Jesus Brought to Pilate (JF, 2 min), Jesus Brought Before Herod (JF, 1 min), Jesus is Sentenced (JF, 3 min), Jesus Carries His Cross (JF, 3 min), Jesus is Crucified (JF, 3 min), Soldiers Gamble for Jesus’ Clothes (JF, 1 min), Sign on the Cross (JF, 1 min), Crucified Convicts (JF, 1 min), Death of Jesus (JF, 2 min), Burial of Jesus (JF, 2 min) or Gospel of John: The Arrest of Jesus (GF, 6 min), Jesus Before Pilate (GJ, 3 min), Jesus Sentenced (GJ, 6 min), Jesus Crucified (GJ, 6 min)
Hymn: When I Survey Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary songs for Lent.
Watch (for Kids): Peter’s Denial (Super Book, Season 2)
Color: Crucifixion Color Page (Click on the blue bar to open PDF)
Craft: 3D Cross Craft or choose another cross craft on our Christian Easter Crafts page
Food: Crown of Thorns Snack or Pretzel Crosses or Hot Cross Buns
More: Try doing Lights Out from evening until Sunday morning to experience how long Jesus was in the grave. You can do it throughout your whole home or just pick an individual room.

Holy Saturday: Jesus lies dead in the tomb. He observed the Sabbath even when the weight of the world was on him.

Read: Matthew 27:62-66
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Guarding the Tomb
Hymn: There Is a Fountain Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary songs for Lent.
Color: Guarding the Tomb Color Page (right-click the image to save as a .jpeg)
Craft: Paper Plate Tomb Craft (parent can secretly glue Jesus and the angel on overnight)
Food: Prepare Tomb Biscuits or Tomb Cookies or Tomb Donuts for eating on Easter morning.
More: Reenact the Pharisees asking Pilate to guard the tomb in costume.

Easter Sunday: He is risen. He is risen indeed! After he rose, he remained with his disciples for 40 days before ascending to heaven. I have included reading and videos for these days as well.

Read: Matthew 28:1-20, Mark 16: 1-20, Luke 24:1-53, or John 20
Write: Choose one key verse to write down, journal, and/or memorize. Young children can use the coloring page to color.
Watch: Jesus Film: Angels at the Tomb (JF, 1 min), The Tomb is Empty (JF, 1 min), Resurrected Jesus Appears (JF, 2 min), Great Commission and Ascension (GJ, 1 min) or Gospel of John: Jesus is Alive! (GJ, 5 min), Doubting Thomas (GJ, 2 min), Miraculous Catch (GJ, 3 min), Do you Love Me? (GJ, 3 min)
Watch (for Kids): He is Risen (Super Book, Season 1)
Hymns: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today and Christ Arose Check out our Lent and Easter Songs page for other contemporary songs for Easter.
Color: He Is Risen Color Page
Craft: Ressurection Scene (get the set free if you subscribe or pay for a $3 beautifully printed set)
Food: Easter Feast! See our Easter Recipes page for ideas.
More: Enjoy church, a feast, and family time! Don’t forget to check back in 40 days for Ascension Day ideas and 10 days after that, Pentecost ideas.

And here are some additional Holy Week ideas and traditions . . .

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