A new weekly challenge has arrived for BitLife. You can now try and complete the Eat Pray Love Challenge in the game. You only have a few days to finish it goes away. Every player who completes it will receive an appearance item for any character they make on their profile.
Here are all of the tasks for the Eat Pray Love Challenge.
- Be born in the United States
- Become a Famous Author
- Get divorced
- Experience Mediterranean food in Italy
- Achieve inner peace in India
- Find love in Indonesia
These challenges are a little weird, and not entirely direct, but we can break down what they mean.
The first challenge is extremely straightforward. All you have to do is customize your character to be born in the United States. They can be male or female, and they be born anywhere in this country.
After you’ve done it, they need to become a famous author. Becoming a famous author can take quite a bit of time and effort. You can do this by graduating high school with a fairly high smarts stat. You can increase this stat by visiting libraries or by reading books at a younger age. You then want to go to college to earn an English degree in college and graduate school. The writer position should become available for you in the occupations tab. You need to work hard on the job for several years continually, and after working on it for seven and 10 years, they should become famous, and the fame stat will become available.
Your character will need to travel all over the world to complete several of these tasks. You can petition to emigrate to another country in the Activities tab. You can pick a location in the world and then try to travel there. We recommend having quite a bit of income when you do this.
For the first travel-based one, you’ll need to visit Italy. When you arrive in Italy, you need to eat Mediterranean food. To do this, all you have to do is change your character’s diet. You can do that on the Activities page, underneath the Mind & Body tab. This will alter your character’s diet, and you can choose to go on the Mediterranean diet.
After that, your next stop is to visit India. From there, you need to achieve inner peace. To do this, all you have to do is meditate when you are in this country. It’s a little obscure. For your character to meditate, all you have to do is go to the Mind & Body tab and choose to meditate, as if you were going to have them go for a walk.
The final travel-based one will be to travel to India and find love. You can do this as the final step and try to date someone in India. You can find them and begin a relationship. You’ll want to be married to them whenever possible, which leads to the final step of the challenge.
Your character will eventually need to be divorced. We recommend doing that after you’ve discovered love in India and have married a person. After you’ve married them, you can choose to divorce them underneath the relationships tab when you interact with your spouse, and the challenge should be complete.
Once you’ve completed the Eat Love Pray Challenge, your new account appearance item will be available.
About the author
Zack Palm
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