Which players have played for both Rays and Yankees in their careers? MLB Immaculate Gridanswers

On July 24, the MLB Immaculate Grid puzzle features players who have played for the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees. Presented in a 3x3 grid format, the daily internet puzzle tests participants' knowledge of baseball history, team rosters, and player connections.

On July 24, the MLB Immaculate Grid puzzle features players who have played for the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees. Presented in a 3x3 grid format, the daily internet puzzle tests participants' knowledge of baseball history, team rosters, and player connections.

Here's a list of players who have played for both the Tampa Bay Rays and the New York Yankees:

Johnny Damon: A dynamic outfielder with a winning mentality, Damon had significant stints with both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees. Known for his speed and timely hitting, he played a pivotal role in championship runs for both franchises.

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Shelley Duncan: As an outfielder and first baseman, Duncan had a limited but notable time with both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees, showcasing flashes of power and athleticism during his tenure with each team.

Dave Eiland: As a pitcher, Eiland spent time with both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees. After retiring as a player, he also served as a pitching coach for both organizations, bringing his expertise to the teams' pitching staff.

Nathan Eovaldi: A hard-throwing right-handed pitcher, Eovaldi started his career with the Los Angeles Dodgers but later played for both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees. His arm strength and durability made him a valuable asset for both clubs.

Felix Escalona: A utility infielder, Escalona had brief stints with both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees, providing depth and defensive flexibility.

Other players who played for both the Tampa Bay Rays and the New York Yankees

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Andy Cannizaro: A utility infielder who had brief stints with both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees, Cannizaro was known for his defensive versatility and ability to provide depth off the bench.

Jose Canseco: A highly controversial figure in baseball history, Canseco showcased his immense power-hitting abilities for both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees. Despite numerous off-field controversies, he remains one of the few players to have left a lasting impact on both franchises.

Kevin Cash: Initially a catcher for the Tampa Bay Rays, Cash transitioned into a successful managerial career, eventually becoming the team's manager. His expertise in handling pitching staff also led him to play a role as a backup catcher for the New York Yankees during his playing days.

Randy Choate: A specialist left-handed reliever, Choate was an effective matchup pitcher for both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees, primarily used to face tough left-handed hitters out of the bullpen.

Ji Man Choi: A versatile infielder and power hitter, Choi played for both the Tampa Bay Rays and New York Yankees, contributing with his offensive prowess and solid defensive skills.

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