In Lisa Guerrero’s recently published book, Warrior: My Path to Being Brave, she revealed going through a miscarriage during a game in 2003 when she was a reporter for ABC’s Monday Night Football.
The 58-year-old American journalist married former baseball player Scott Gavin Erickson the following year.
Lisa Guerrero and Erickson together founded HomeTeam Productions, and the couple were also executive producers for the movie A Plumm Summer, which came out in 2007.
Apart from this, little else is known about Lisa and Scott's relationship.
Erickson used to be a Major League Baseball pitcher. He played for the Baltimore Orioles, Texas Rangers, Minnesota Twins, New York Mets, New York Yankees, and Los Angeles Dodgers over 15 seasons.
Erickson graduated with an AA degree in business in 1988. He attended San Jose City College. He later majored in accounting at the University of Arizona while also pursuing a minor in psychology. He played soccer, football, and basketball, aside from baseball, in high school.
In late 2000, he was featured in the “50 Most Beautiful People” edition of the People magazine.
Lisa Guerrero recounts her time being an MNF reporter and describes it as an "absolute hell"
In her book, Lisa Guerrero revealed that one particular season at ABC’s MNF was absolute hell for her. She shared that things got horrifyingly bad at the gig and she suffered a miscarriage on the sidelines during one game.
During the 2003 NFL season, she took over the role of MNF reporter from Melissa Stark.
Lisa said that from the day she started working under ABC, she was treated with unfair criticism from males from the sports world and was ridiculed by them. She particularly pointed to Freddie Gaudelli, the executive producer at MNF, and her boss.
Lisa claimed in her memoir that Freddie often criticized her work. Not only that, but she also received regular misogynistic trolling from viewers, which put her through stress. All this harassment, trolling, and criticism pushed her to the point where she contemplated suicide.
Lisa Guerrero was pregnant with fiancé Scott Erickson's child at the time. She said that she was under immense pressure during that period in her life.
Lisa went on to describe the day she had her miscarriage. She was reporting from the sidelines when she suddenly experienced acute pain in her abdomen. A few moments later, she felt blood leaking and wanted to bolt into the washroom.
At first, she thought she had her period, but then she remembered that she was pregnant and was probably having a miscarriage. Despite feeling dizzy and nauseated, Lisa covered the game reports and then went to the restroom. She narrated:
“During our Wednesday phone calls, Freddie would ream me out for bad posture. The pain was excruciating. I heard myself mispronounce a player’s name and knew I’d hear about it later."Lisa recalled how she had to put a bunch of toilet paper in her underwear so that the blood would stop dripping out.
She did not tell anyone about the incident. After finishing work that day, she headed to the airport. Lisa said in her book that she does not blame anyone for her miscarriage. She continued:
"The miscarriage wasn't because of Freddie, and it wasn't because of one radio talk show host or one bad column. It was a culmination of the entire season of negativity and cruelty. It was really cruel."However, Gaudelli defied Lisa’s assessment of his behavior towards her. He claimed to have always tried to be the sportscaster’s biggest advocate.
Gaudelli shared that he was learning about Lisa’s pregnancy for the first time after all these years. He said he felt sorry that the journalist had to struggle and go through that difficult phase in her life without any support from her team.
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